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personal branding

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coming soon

personal branding

coming soon
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Unlock potential with expert coaching for business success.

I empower leaders and teams to grow through personalized coaching.

you're in the right place

Hi, I'm Lilou, Business Coach & Educator

As a business coach, I am committed to empowering my clients by sharing the strategies and skills I have honed through firsthand experience. I understand the unique struggles that come with entrepreneurship, from managing finances and marketing to fostering a strong team and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
you're in the right place

Comprehensive Solutions for the Growth of Your Business

As your partner in building a strong business, I focus on delivering measurable results that drive growth and build long-term value for your brand. I believe in the power of data-driven decisions and experience that translate into real success. With my services, you will help your company reach new heights, attract valuable customers, and strengthen your market position.

5 Steps to an Effective Business Growth Plan

Do you want to build a solid foundation for your business and accelerate its growth? Download our free checklist, "5 Steps to an Effective Business Growth Plan," and gain a practical tool that will help you achieve your goals. This checklist outlines simple yet highly effective steps that every entrepreneur should take to define their strategy and implement it successfully.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level.




All our marketing secrets revealed


Step-by-Step Process

My Proven Process for Client Success


Initial Consultation

The first step in working with me is to schedule an initial consultation. This can be done through my website, email, or phone. During this consultation, I'll discuss your project requirements, goals, timelines, and budget.

Proposal Submission

Following the initial consultation, I'll prepare and submit a detailed proposal outlining my recommended approach, scope of work, deliverables, timeline, and cost estimate.

Collaborative Planning

Once the proposal is approved, I'll enter the planning phase. This involves further discussions to finalize project details, such as design preferences, brand guidelines, content requirements, and any other specifics relevant to your project.

Execution and Feedback

With a solid plan in place, I'll proceed to the execution phase. I'll work diligently to bring your project to life, keeping you updated on progress every step of the way.

Do you want to grow your business and brand?

From Vision to Success – I am Your Partner in Building a Strong Business

destiny matrix deutsch

Die Destiny Matrix ist umgezogen

Die meisten Menschen kennen mich als DIE deutsche Destiny Matrix Expertin. Anfang des Jahres habe ich die Destiny Matrix Academy gegründet - um Menschen in der Schicksalsmatrix auszubilden. Die Academy ist ein Ort des Wissens und des Wachstums geworden.
Mittlerweile findest du alles rund um die Schicksalsmatrix - also Readings, die Ausbildung etc. nur noch in der Academy.

schicksalsmatrix rechner

Wo ist der Rechner hin?

Auch den kostenlosen Destiny Matrix Rechner findest du jetzt auf der Seite der Destiny Matrix Academy. Klick einfach unten auf den Link und schon bist du da 🙂

Meet jana

the founder and ceo

Ich kenne die Herausforderungen und Zweifel, die auf dem Weg zu einem erfüllten Leben und einem erfolgreichen Business liegen.

Genau deshalb habe ich mich entschieden, all das Wissen, das ich gesammelt habe, weiterzugeben – um Frauen wie dir zu zeigen, wie sie ihre Einzigartigkeit nutzen, Hindernisse überwinden und ihre eigene Power aktivieren können
– in der Destiny Matrix Academy